El infinito como parte del saber, las matemáticas, la ciencia...
¿Todo tiende al infinito?
El Universo, los números...
¡¡¡Hasta la reflexión!!!

O la fe.
En nosotros, en los demás y qué nos ofrece vida.
Somos, sólo nosotros, con nuestra capacidad de cambio y la ayuda de todos, los que podemos dar sentido al futuro.
I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


We have tried to explain the main concepts about the origin of the primitive atmosphere.
Here is the video about that.

After watch the video. here are some questions about:

I speak about the Ozone, Why is it important?
U.V light has a very high mutagenic power. What does it mean?
Answer question 39 of the book
here is the report.
Write an assessment with 100 words about your opinion of the author summary in relation with this concept of atmosphere
Click here. 
Here is also what I want you read.

Why was this study done?

  • The Euro-Mediterranean region arises as a major climatic hot spot because of global warming.
  • Warmer temperatures should in principle contribute to an increase in the number of deaths because of heat.
  • We do not know yet if and to what extent societal adaptation and/or socioeconomic development is modifying this expected increase.

What did the researchers do and find?

  • We analysed daily mortality records from 47 major cities in Spain.
  • There has been a general and sustained decline in the vulnerability of the population since 1980.
  • Despite the observed warming, the decline of the vulnerability has generally contributed to a progressive reduction in the number of deaths attributed to heat since 1980.

What do these findings mean?

  • It is generally believed that climate change will cause an increase in heat-related mortality.
  • Societal adaptation and/or socioeconomic development contributed, up to now, to a general decline in heat-related mortality.
  • It is still uncertain if this decline in heat-related mortality will also occur at higher future levels of climate warming.

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